WWW Wednesday (6 November 2013)

It's Wednesday again and this week I make it! I could do a WWW post this week! WWW Wednesday is a bookish meme hosted by Should Be Reading.

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…
• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?

What are you currently reading ?

I'm reading Oh to Grace by Abby Rosser. Slow progress, I know. I'm so caught up with finishing my internship report and final project proposals for college. Really hope I could finish reading Oh to Grace this week.

What did you recently finish reading ?

The last book that I finished reading is still The Vow by Jessica Martinez.

What do you think you'll read next ?

I'll definitely read The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks. I just can't wait.

What about you ? Feel free to leave a comment or your post's link if you're having fun with this meme too :)


  1. mass marketnya buku ini tebel. ga nahan.
    but, semoga segera terkabul !

    salam kenal, isti :)

  2. oh ya ?
    udah rencana hunting buku nih weekend ini
    haha makasih
    salam kenal juga :)

  3. I really like Nicholas Sparks! I hope you enjoy your books :-)

  4. I love Nicholas Sparks' books! I've read them all except this one! I really need to get a copy of it soon, because I think he is a wonderful author!

    New follower via bloglovin!

    Tina@ Pages of Comfort

    here's mine: http://pagesofcomfort.blogspot.com/2013/11/www-wednesday.html

  5. Ooh the Nicholas Sparks book looks good - Here is my


  6. Udah punya buku ini di rumah.
    Tapi masih dalam antrian.

  7. aku suka buku gila ini :D semoga terkabul ya dan bisa terpusing2 baca ceritanya :)

  8. wow buku gila. hahaha
    iya makasih mbak :)

  9. yes I think he's a wonderful author too :)
    thanks for stopping by
